All Tournaments are USBC Sanctioned.
Good job on the website article. Ken. Keep up the Good work!
Regards, Ed
Thanks Jim for letting us know. I had the wrong link used. It's fixed now
When I click on Qualifying Results, it only shows match play results
How was the shot on the left side this month Dennis? Was it you or the lane conditions?
Say HI to my old team mates for me when you see them next. I miss you and all the guys on the team.
Executive Director. Original founder. HOF member. Arranges for Tournaments by contacting Bowling centers and works with USBC regarding sanctioning and Reporting. Red Robin Sponsor. Deals with other sponsorship's. Appoints Staff members. Has final decision over any rule adoption, change or dispute. Hosts Board Meetings.
SSO HOF member. Website Administrator, Designer, Webmaster. Tournament Director. Authors all website articles. Administers all SSO Emails for Tournament Reminders, News and Results . Administers on-line Tournament Scheduling and on-line Registrations. Calculates, Authors and Publishes monthly "Bowler of the Year" (BOY) points, monthly "Past Champions" and monthly "Tournament Results" articles. Manages incoming messages and forwards some to other staff members where appropriate. Computer, Website and Excel Specialist.
Board Member. SSO Hall of Fame member. Enters new registrants into the SSO Tournament Excel File. Performs Backup Duties for Lew, Todd and other Board Members. Former PBA member. Attends Board Meetings.
SSO Hall of Fame member. Tournament Director. Original founder. Collects entry fees during check-in and prepares SSO Tournament Entry Forms. Adds scores into Computer during Qualifying rounds. Handles Tournament Announcements.
Tournament Director. Attends Board Meetings. Collects and pays out Brackets and High Game Jackpots.
Tournament Director. Collects Membership Dues. Former PBA member. Attends Board Meetings
Board Member. SSO Hall of Fame. Holds the most SSO Titles. Multiple BOTY winner. Collects 50/50 tickets and New Sponsor Ball Raffle tickets. Announces the winners before Qualifying.
Board Member. Past Champion.
Tournament Director. Collects scores for the Tounament Office. PBA Champion. Has won multipal PBA and PBA50 Championship. Has won multiple PBA50 Regional titles and regular PBA Regional titles. USBC HOF, Mich. Majors HOF member.
Tournament Director. Big promoter for the SSO. Helps with the check-in process and all the little things behind the scene to keep the tournament starting on time and running smoothly. Collects scores for the Tournament Office. First one in and last one out.